There are plenty of hosting providers in the market offering different services, different plans that have various advantages. However if you are looking for a robust hosting plan, dedicated server hosting provider certainly serves the purpose. It has multiple benefits that make it a wise choice for businesses.
High Network Uptime
There is a guaranteed network uptime due to large availability of the resources i.e. CPU utilization, RAM, processor speed, disk space, etc. No resource is shared. There is a dedicated server specifically kept to meet the requirement of your business. Often in case of a shared connection, there are service degradation issues due to sharing of resources my multiple websites. Customers can really get dissatisfied if they experience service downtime or any network interruption. A frustrated customer is the last thing your business wants. Hence a dedicated server hosting provider takes care of these issues.
Complete Control Over Your Resources
You can install software/applications of your choice. There is no restriction as faced in the case of a shared server where a server is shared my multiple websites. There you cannot customize the server as per your business needs. Only in a dedicated server, you get this luxury.
Better ROI for Websites Experiencing High Traffic
If your website experiences constant high traffic, you will lose out on customers by using a shared server. Your website needs undivided server attention which only a dedicated server hosting provider can offer. Be it Linux dedicated hosting or Windows dedicated hosting, both offer a wide range of services to the customers.
Hence, you need to know your business requirement before deciding upon the hosting service you need. If you have a website experiencing high traffic all the time, then there is no point being reluctant to avail services from a dedicated server hosting provider.
High Network Uptime
There is a guaranteed network uptime due to large availability of the resources i.e. CPU utilization, RAM, processor speed, disk space, etc. No resource is shared. There is a dedicated server specifically kept to meet the requirement of your business. Often in case of a shared connection, there are service degradation issues due to sharing of resources my multiple websites. Customers can really get dissatisfied if they experience service downtime or any network interruption. A frustrated customer is the last thing your business wants. Hence a dedicated server hosting provider takes care of these issues.
Complete Control Over Your Resources
You can install software/applications of your choice. There is no restriction as faced in the case of a shared server where a server is shared my multiple websites. There you cannot customize the server as per your business needs. Only in a dedicated server, you get this luxury.
Better ROI for Websites Experiencing High Traffic
If your website experiences constant high traffic, you will lose out on customers by using a shared server. Your website needs undivided server attention which only a dedicated server hosting provider can offer. Be it Linux dedicated hosting or Windows dedicated hosting, both offer a wide range of services to the customers.
Hence, you need to know your business requirement before deciding upon the hosting service you need. If you have a website experiencing high traffic all the time, then there is no point being reluctant to avail services from a dedicated server hosting provider.
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